Case list (Selection)

  • Complaint of delay pursuant to sec. 97a ff. of the Federal Constitutional Court Act (“BVerfGG”) with regard to the unreasonably long duration of cost assessment proceedings at the German Federal Constitutional Court (German Federal Constitutional Court, docket no. 2 BvR 739/17 Vz 5/23; cf. the decision of 11/12/2023),

  • Appeal proceedings regarding the right to file inspection and respective cost reimbursement in constitutional complaint proceedings (German Federal Constitutional Court, docket no. 2 BvR 739/17; cf. the decision of 28/09/2023),

  • Assertion of the unconstitutionality of the singular admission for lawyers at the Federal Supreme Court in civil matters in case of a Certified Specialist for Intellectual Property Law in copyright appeal proceedings (Federal Supreme Court, docket no. I ZR 73/20; cf. the court’s decision of 23/07/2020),

  • Constitutional complaint against the ratification of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court in Germany (German Federal Constitutional Court, docket no. 2 BvR 2217/20; cf. the court’s press statement 57/2021 of 09/07/2021 and the decision of 23/06/2021 (Preliminary order proceedings) as well as the decision of 13/07/2022 (Proceedings on the merits)),

  • Judicial enforcement of the claim for access to official information concerning different aspects of the European patent reform against the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Administrative Court Berlin, docket no. 2 K 72.18 and Federal Administrative Court, 20 F 4.20, decision of 15/12/2020; Administrative Court Berlin, 2 K 73.18 and Federal Administrative Court, 20 F 5.20, decision of 13/11/2020),

  • Advising a US biotech company on several questions with regard to licensing different patent-protected technologies,

  • Assertion of copyright protection with regard to the unauthorized publication of contents from an unpublished constitutional complaint brief (Regional Court Düsseldorf, 12 O 219/18 and Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf, I-20 U 41/19),

  • Defending against defamatory press reports based on alleged statements from anonymous sources,

  • Constitutional complaint against the ratification of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court in Germany (German Federal Constitutional Court, docket no. 2 BvR 739/17; cf. the court’s press statement 20/2020 of 20/03/2020 and the decision of 13/02/2020 allowing the complaint),

  • Advising a Dutch consumer goods company with regard to the infringement of several European patents relating to electronic cigarettes,

  • Advising a US technology company with regard to the infringement of several European patents relating to TV streaming technology,

  • Assertion and judicial enforcement of the right of access to official information based on the freedom of information laws against several Federal, State and Local authorities.